Over the years, I’ve had to learn
a lot of things from here and there. Being on twitter and facebook and in
various fandoms has taught me a lot too. The first time I saw the words “ship”
and “OTP” to join two people together and all, I had no clue what it meant, but
with time I got into the trend and used it a lot.
For so long I have gladly
associated with various fandoms I belong in and proudly proclaimed and
supported the ships I ship. Recently though, I’ve been thinking more and more
about if there’s a point in it all. The mess is getting more annoying with each
passing hour.
Almost everyday on my TL on Twitter,
Facebook, Tumblr… I see people calling each other terrible names all because
they are in different ship fandoms; raining insults on each other or other ship
fandom in general as long as it’s not theirs. This behavior in my opinion is
outrightly immature and totally uncalled for.