You should not read this article if you are yet to see The Flash Season
2 Episode 14 and if you are avoiding spoilers but hey, bet you knew that
Escape from Earth-2 picked up
from where last week ended and it was true to its title, the team did escape
from Earth-2. In this episode, Zoom is on a large scale hunt for Harry; Cisco
and Harry had to figure out a way to save Barry and Jesse with the help of Mr.
& Mrs. Allen and an initially reluctant Killer Frost while evading Zoom’s
capture. Meanwhile, back on Earth-1, Jay worked to fix the unstable breach as
Caitlin tried to perfect on Velocity 8 to help Jay stop Geomancer who continued
to terrorize the city.
At last! Jay Garrick is beginning to be interesting. The freaky guy in the helmet at Zoom’s lair was trying to pass a message about Jay but Zoom stopped him before he could say any more (or should I say, tap). Maybe he is Jay Garrick or Jay isn’t who he says he is, but either ways, I’m excited to find out. Now I’m interested in the Jay story which was kind of boring before. I have a feeling we’re really close to finding out Zoom’s identity maybe in the next couple of episodes. I know we’re close to the reveal and I bet it has something to do with Jay Garrick or Hunter Zolomon.
CCPN’s new editor doesn’t seem to
be a big follower of Flash (he’s cute though - haha). Iris-1 was going to get
an exclusive interview with Jay to help save the Flash’s image in CC but she
ended up not needing that with Jay’s heroic act when he had to save everyone in
a building before it collapsed thanks to Geomancer. Turns out Velocity 9 works
super-wonders; it’s healing Jay’s cells. Don’t know how wise it was of
Geomancer going to Star Labs like that but then most villain aren’t exactly
famous for their smartness, so… Where was Jay when Geomancer was shaking Star
Labs’ foundation. Hmm… now I’m suspicious (exciting, yay!!)
Barry-1 and Jesse working
together was great to watch and I still don’t know who the freaky helmet guy at
Zoom’s is but he obviously is very important. Killer Frost was quite a hero
herself. The escape wouldn’t have been possible without her help; cold heart or
warm, Caitlin Snow has good in her. Not like it was ever in doubt before but I’ll
mention it still: Grant Gustin is a great actor; portraying Barry-2 this week
was beyond hilarious and fun to watch. I was hoping we’ll get a glimpse of Mayor
Snart this week to be sure of which Snart is really mayor but it’s all good, I guess;
not like it was important anyways.
Quick question: What smart
scientist goes smiling happily in front of a collapsing breach?
Answer: Not a very smart one. Or the
one with a plan or maybe accident.
I guess we’ll find out soon enough.
Zoom has Jay now or killed him supposedly.
As always, the episode was
enjoyable to watch and great. We will have to follow to know what next for the
Team now and how will Zoom be able to get to Earth-1 now that all the breaches
are closed.
Catch all new episodes of The
Flash, Tuesdays on The CW at 8/7c
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