
Thursday, 28 January 2016


You know what was A.W.O.L. in last night's episode? Damien Darhk. He's being true to his promise and he's out of town at the moment, leave a message after the beep please *beep* well, no message.

The episode started with Lyla and Diggle having a lovely walk before Alan Chang rained on their parade (ARGUS business). I guess you can leave ARGUS but ARGUS will never leave you. There were a number of other Lyla/Diggle moments. The Diggle brothers were also shown in flashbacks back in Afghanistan were they first met Lieutenant Joyner, the leader of the Shadowspire team (like H.I.V.E. isn't enough to deal with).

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

THE FLASH - The Reverse Flash Returns Vibes

  • Barry had to deal with reverse flash
  • The West family said their goodbyes to Mama West
  • Patty left
  • Cisco vibed on a large scale
  • We catch a glance of Jay Garrick’s Earth 1 doppelganger
  • And oh yeah… turns out this is actually the Reverse flash’s origin story

Basically, it pretty much explained lot of questions I had last week.

Whew! Some episode that was last night. Maybe it’s just me but there was lot of crazy mad scientist time travelling talk happening in episode 10 but before I get to the crazy, let’s talk other stuff, shall we?

Thursday, 21 January 2016

ARROW - Blood Debts

Ah-ha! Told you all it wasn’t Felicity in that grave (See All I know is Felicity is not dying). Boo-yah! (Olicity fandom dance). So… some comeback episode that was last night from Arrow midseason premiere. Episode 10 was quite something. ALERT! Spoilers ahead. Arrow season 4 episode 10 in few lines:

John Diggle interrogating his brother, Andy in episode Blood Debts

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

THE FLASH - Potential Energy Vibes

It's exciting that The Flash is back on TV yesterday! How much the return have been anticipated. I know I was expectant and it sure did not fail to deliver. Yes, it still remains on the list for my top 3 TV show. (Note: This article contains little spoiler from last night's episode, if you are avoiding spoilers in every way, you probably shouldn't read this any further).
In episode "Potential Energy", Barry was up against a villain nicknamed Turtle who had the ability to make time slow for everybody around him (and yes, that includes Barry) except himself. Turtle was going to be a good study to help them figure out how to defeat Zoom (Cisco's idea).
To the point, issues I have to discuss from last night.