
Thursday, 28 January 2016


You know what was A.W.O.L. in last night's episode? Damien Darhk. He's being true to his promise and he's out of town at the moment, leave a message after the beep please *beep* well, no message.

The episode started with Lyla and Diggle having a lovely walk before Alan Chang rained on their parade (ARGUS business). I guess you can leave ARGUS but ARGUS will never leave you. There were a number of other Lyla/Diggle moments. The Diggle brothers were also shown in flashbacks back in Afghanistan were they first met Lieutenant Joyner, the leader of the Shadowspire team (like H.I.V.E. isn't enough to deal with).
Apparently, this big bad boss wants to get some access code to a programme from Waller and help her agents hostage. When he realized Waller is evil and cold as ice (I guess I shouldn't speak ill of the dead), he shot her in the head though and held Lyla at gunpoint instead. Team Arrow and little brother Andy saved the day. He ended up gaining Diggle's trust back at least enough to make him welcome him to stay in his home where he met his niece. I was glad to see Sara Diggle, she is so adorable.

Felicity had her job cut out for her this episode as she had to deal with coming to terms with her new status as a cripple and that became much harder when Goth Felicity (remember her? From Season 3 Episode 8  "The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak") showed up when our sweet Felicity popped one too many pill and it wasn't good. Can we pause a minute to talk about Oliver carrying her down the stairs and that conversation and his babysitting #feels. Goth Felicity has some really nasty and harsh things to say to blond Felicity which hurt Olicity for a moment but in the end it helped her come to the acceptance stage of who she is now and she swept the past behind her and we moved on, yay!
Ah yes! The code name dropped "OVERWATCH" (shout-out to us predicting ORACLE, we were addressed. Thanks GA). 
Speaking of code names, John Diggle is Spartan. Since when? It only really came to my attention in this episode. Maybe it's just me anyways but they were not using it in the field until this episode or were they?

So, Waller is dead. Her death was quite unceremonious I think. Amanda Waller is such a strong character that I do no think that sharp death was befitting. Well, that's just me thinking out loud. ARGUS needs a new head. Do I see Lyla coming back in the field? She most like might but for Sara, I think that lessens the odds. Now that Andy is back in his brother's good graces, 50 bucks says he's going to betray him very soon especially now that flashback revealed that Shadowspire's big boss is actually Baron Reiter who has been a principal chaarcter in Oliver's Lian Yu flashbacks this season. I don''t know what he's up to yet but I know it's no coincidence that Andy is linked somehow.

Do you think Andy has finally decided to see the world the same way as his brother? Will Lyla be ARGUS new boss? Any thoughts on Waller's death? Is she really dead? Hit the comment box below with your thoughts on A.W..O.L.?

Catch new episodes of Arrow on the CW at 8/7c on Wednesdays


Felicity: Oh this is my Oliver 2.0, isn't it? You think being cute is going to distract me?
Oliver: Mission accomplished

Felicity: I know what you mean. What I mean is that I can no longer be a part of the team. (jawdrop, nah, that's personal not part of this quote)

Oliver: What happened is my fault

Laurel:  Hey Oliver! Felicity, she makes her own choices, you know. I am sure that is one of the reasons why you love her so much,

GA: Overwatch, we're on site.
Felicity: Excuse me?
GA: I thought it was time you got a code name. What do you think?
Felicity: It's perfect
GA: I was going to go with oracle but it's already taken.

Amanda: The ugly side of our business is that sometimes security has to be paid for in blood
Lyla: Thank you. I was beginning to wonder why I left

Oliver: The doctor said your condition is permanent and I don't think it's healthy or productive for either of us to live in denial but I have seen people speed and shrink and fly. We watched a friend of ours come back from the dead. That... is the world we live in now and I will not stop searching it until we find a way to make you walk again

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