In episode "Potential Energy", Barry was up against a villain nicknamed Turtle who had the ability to make time slow for everybody around him (and yes, that includes Barry) except himself. Turtle was going to be a good study to help them figure out how to defeat Zoom (Cisco's idea).
To the point, issues I have to discuss from last night.
- Wally West - Boy! Am I glad Kid Flash is in town or what? Well, I do hope he comes to become kid flash in an awesome totally-comic-style one day and if last night was any indication, he will be just fine. He already loves life in the fast (Mr. Tail-light). His relationship with Joe did start out rocky but they'll get over it I believe.
- Patty Spivot - Central City will be short of one super cutely adorable cop now. Patty is leaving central city to become CSI. On one hand, I'm happy for her, on the other I'm dying on the inside, I'll miss seeing her on the show and her and Barry... I really shipped them. Barry didn't even fight to make her stay. He's trying to keep her out of harm's way, I guess (Thanks harry for the pep talk) and then the nightmares... I honestly was hoping for Barry to tell her his secret. It doesn't make sense that she is still in the dark on this but I guess it doesn't matter anyway, she's gone. Parry (or is it Batty, is dead). Such young blooming couple with great potential energy. Sad!
- Jay Garrick - Thanks to Caitlyn's relentless effort to help Jay, she found out that he is dying. What he's dying from, no one knows yet. My guess, maybe a tumor. And apparently the only way to save him according to Jay is to get his speed back and that will be by stopping Zoom and Caityn is totally on board with that. Best of luck you both.
- Eobard Thawne - Ah-ah! That last second look, REVERSE FLASH is back, people! And it's the real reverse flash in the flesh this time - Eobard. And get this, he doesn't know where he is. Guess this one never came to the past to kill Nora after all. Wait a minute though, since Eddie Thawne (remember him from last season? Detective pretty boy who shot himself to save the world, sort of, and got sucked uo into the singularity, I think) erased himself from existence, doesn't that mean Eobard would never have existed? Nora never got killed by reverse flash and Henry was never arrested for Nora which would no have died but all that seem to still be intact which is probably a plothole but it's darling Flash, it gets this free pass. But if Eobard Thawne exists, that means the Thawne family was not erased and does that mean Eddie is still alive somewhere? I hope so... I really hope so. Anything to have Detective Pretty Boy back in Central City.
Catch new episodes of The Flash on Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW
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