
Sunday 15 December 2013


If you are really in the Teen Wolf fandom like I am, then you probably are already starting to lose your mind in a good way. You must agree that it’s been a pretty long hiatus since August 19 (close to 4 months now) and now that the wait is almost over, I am more thrilled  about January 6 than ever. Especially after watching the trailer for 3B released this past week, I had to say “Well done, Jeff. My mind is lost.” That trailer was AWESOME! Teen Wolf is about to go dark; really dark. The consequence of the surrogate sacrifice Scott, Allison and Stiles went through in the 11/12th episodes of the first half of this season is coming to hit them in the face and I see it’s coming in a big way. As Deaton forewarned Scott that it will draw the supernatural like a beacon and there’s going to be like a permanent darkness around their hearts.

Beacon Hills is about to be flooded with supernatural beings at a whole new level and it seems the local police department led by town Sherriff ‘Papa Stilinski’ (Stiles’ dad) and Scott’s FBI dad (now in town) are going to have their hands full trying to solve a lot of mysteries. At least, the former is now in the know about some of the supernatural occurrences going on in town.

Which brings me to Stiles’ dad. He is going to have a lot more responsibilities this 3B now that he is aware of these secrets. He will have to do a lot of covering ups for his son and his friends to ensure their secret is safe. That might mean going against some of his pledges as a cop and as the town’s sheriff.

I can’t wait to see Scott lead his pack as an alpha. My! He’s only a kid and a lot of responsibilities are on him to shoulder; keep his secret, keep his friends safe, his family, protect the town… I wouldn’t want to be him right now. It’s a good thing he has good great supporting friends to stand by him through all these especially his greatest buddy (probably the greatest friend anyone could ever ask for), Stiles. I really envy their friendship; they stick together through thick and thin and always look out for the best interest of each other.

So, I hear there’s a new girl in town, Kira. She’s supposedly some supernatural being, Kitsune (not exactly sure what that is) but I’m buying into the idea of a new girl in town, new love interest for Scott. Not to offend the Scallison shippers, but I really am excited at the idea of Scott seeing another girl other than Allison. To be honest, I was starting to get bored and annoyed of Scott just waiting for he and Allison to happen again. I get it, I ship Scallison too and I know Allison will probably be that one true love that will always have a place in Scott’s heart (She’s his first love) and they most likely might end up together but I was really praying for a competition. We got Allisaac from 3A, I think it’s only fair Scott has a new love interest too even if she turns out to be bad (maybe like a Kate Argent or Jennifer Blake), it would still be worth it, in my opinion. I think the ship was named Skira (by user HoechlinArmy on twitter), I like the name.

From the trailer, though brief, I saw a cute Stydia moment (Thank You, Jeff). Then, Stiles was making out with someone. How evil of the producers! How dare they torture us with that? Now, I am left to guess if it’s Lydia or a new love interest for Stiles (I know it’s the latter). The trailer really is killing me; it seems like Stiles is going to be hurt like in trouble or tormented and I’m all like ‘No! Don’t do this to my cute sweet Stiles. He deserves to be happy, just happy all through this season at least’. Who am I kidding? Like that’s going to happen. I just hope he survives and doesn’t get too broken down because his break down is my break down, if you get what I mean.

I didn’t forget about the psycho evil uncle, Peter Hale. He went all psycho at the end of the first half going all ‘I am the alpha, I’ve always been the Alpha!’ Scott better be on the look out for this crafty evil genius out to be the alpha he claims he always has been. Derek should be back from his break too, I’m sure Cora won’t be coming back anytime soon (if ever). I hope Derek doesn’t get heartbroken this second half again because I think he’s had his shred of chronic emotional heartbreaks that should last him a lifetime.

Running through my mind also includes questions like: Will Stydia finally happen officially? Will Scott’s dad find out about his secret? What is Gerard’s evil plan? (if he has any; which he always does. He’s as deceiving as Peter Hale). Which brings me to the next question Why is Gerard not dead yet? When will he die? (that’s cruel, I know but I do not have the tiniest bit of kindness to extend towards him). How does Melissa deal with Scott’s dad in town (since they are separated)? Do they attempt to like rekindle their love or something? When does Stiles get to be happy? Yeah and when does Danny start to notice that something is not right about his friends? It’s all just random stuffs running through my mind.

The wait is almost over though but I just have all these hopes and questions and it’s all killing and almost choking me up and I am definitely losing my mind.

Season 3B of Teen Wolf premieres on Monday, January 6, 2014 on MTV at 10pm 

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